Thursday, September 18, 2008

Anime Fiiva~

Anime Otaku Warning!!
My nearly-ending streak of updating my collection of Animes has came back due to someone mentioning a certain anime. "Vampire Knight mu yang ke brapa sudah?" "Ummm.. 11 kali? Lama sdah inda ku update. Jauh tia kali sudah."

Due to that, I surfed to one of my trusted website, ANN, to get the latest info about the above mentioned Anime. Well, before I surfed to the guaranteed and accurate website, I went to Baka-Updates to check for latest fansubbed info. From there, Vampire Knight is only up to 13 episodes so this makes me wonder whether has the anime stops production or the same case as KHR? This is where the first website comes to play. From the first website, you can know whether the anime is still active or on hiatus and up to what episodes has been released while the second one gives info about latest anime that has been fansubbed. Aaaannnddd Vampire Knight is officially On Hiatus. It stops at 13. T_T

Soooo...... surfing punya pasal, the Anime virus infected me and now I'm back to my old habit of updating + downloading new Anime. Inda jara banar aku ani... krg rusak lagi karang. Arara.... Oh, BTW, an update about KHR!, seems like my second guess may be true after all. We'll see....


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