Thursday, September 18, 2008

Anime Fiiva~

Anime Otaku Warning!!
My nearly-ending streak of updating my collection of Animes has came back due to someone mentioning a certain anime. "Vampire Knight mu yang ke brapa sudah?" "Ummm.. 11 kali? Lama sdah inda ku update. Jauh tia kali sudah."

Due to that, I surfed to one of my trusted website, ANN, to get the latest info about the above mentioned Anime. Well, before I surfed to the guaranteed and accurate website, I went to Baka-Updates to check for latest fansubbed info. From there, Vampire Knight is only up to 13 episodes so this makes me wonder whether has the anime stops production or the same case as KHR? This is where the first website comes to play. From the first website, you can know whether the anime is still active or on hiatus and up to what episodes has been released while the second one gives info about latest anime that has been fansubbed. Aaaannnddd Vampire Knight is officially On Hiatus. It stops at 13. T_T

Soooo...... surfing punya pasal, the Anime virus infected me and now I'm back to my old habit of updating + downloading new Anime. Inda jara banar aku ani... krg rusak lagi karang. Arara.... Oh, BTW, an update about KHR!, seems like my second guess may be true after all. We'll see....


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Smile Always

Are you feeling grumpy, tired and in no mood for a smile during this fasting month of Ramadhan? Well don't be... here's something that might cheer you up.

At what time opens?
In the middle of the night, a telephone in the home of a librarian rings. "what time does the library opens?" a young man asked at the end of the phone line. "At nine in the morning Sir, is there something important that you need to call in the middle of the night if you don't mind I'm asking?" said the librarian. Can't you open it a bit sooner?" the young man said in a rather disappointed voice. "NO Sir, It won't be open till nine!" the librarian answered in a high tone. "What's so important that you can't wait until nine to enter the library?"
"Who says that I want to get in?" said the young man. "I WANT TO GET OUT!"

Missed the bus stop.
A beautiful lady goes into a bus packed with people. A young man stands up without saying a word, the lady pushed back the man to his seat softly and said "Thank you but I prefer to stand". The man stands up again but once more the lady pushes him back to his seat and said she wanted to stand. The third time he stands up, he shouted "Miss, I want to leave. I've already missed my stopping point."

My Husband...
A young wife is complaining to his friend,"I have to ask for a divorce from my husband." "Why...?" asked her confused friend. "Every single night he went to the disco." the young wife answered. "OOOOhh, so your husband is a disco-maniac...?" her friend asked. "It's not like that..., actually he went to the disco to find me!" the young wife answered.

Duh:"What's that you bringing?"
Bu:"It's chicken... can you guess how many that I brought? If you guessed it right, all three of the chicken will be yours!"
Duh:"Emmm.... four?!"

Have you smiled yet? Or have your gut got busted? If you haven't then try this game to waste your time. (Actually I have blogged about this game in the previous post, just in case you haven't tried it)

Like what Rhasta says, "Don't worry, be happy."


Friday, September 12, 2008

C & D for Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Anime T_T

Fansubbers of the above mentioned Anime have been sent an email by FUNimation to stop subbing the anime as requested by the producers in Japan. Does this mean that no more KHR Anime? Yup!! no more free KHR Anime to download. T_T Well, as long as the Manga is still being scanlated, it's fine with me. Unless you're willing to buy the original DVD/VCD when it's out or someone is subbing it ilegally which I doubt. To be frank, it's not actually licensed by FUNimation, it's just that they were only asked to inform the fansubbers of the ceased and desist notice. [Read here...]

But hey, at least I have the latest best fansubbed KHR among the other fansubbers.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

6.55 Beta leaked!

The upcoming beta release for DoTA has been leaked. I have downloaded the beta map and here are several modifications which were implemented plus a new hero for the sentinel. Yay! The mods are both sentinel and the scourge's level 4 towers will have a new look and added attack power, Ezalor, Keeper of the light, will have a new ulti which imo is much more better than the previous one and the new hero is called Captain Coco, Admiral Proudmoore, which is still work-in-progress since some of the skills have no damage at all. More screenshots and downloads can be obtain from here...

P.S. Hope all of the modifications will be implemented. Looking forward to using Ezalor in the official released map.


Monday, September 1, 2008


About 5 months ago, my dad iski about Google Earth® all because of hearing from his colleagues that they can see the top of their houses from the internet. arara... So my dad asked me to install the software and search the vast earth for our tiny house. Aku ani iski tah jua mencari rumah ku ani.. It's not that easy you know...eventhough I know Brunei-Muara like the back of my hand. Pui...macam banar, taim raya sasat..ehe.. We search and search but the moon won't float-float. At that time, Google's sattelite images only cover around Bandar and Muara port. Damn.. inda pedah-pedah ku iski. But now, Google have updated their maps and voila... I can see the roof of my house. Yay! sakai~ sakai~ Anyway, here's the image I've cropped from Google Maps®...


P.S. I can see you.... See what??? I can see you playing at the back of your house.... Ceh.. Suspen...


The Impossible Quiz

Cakap Brunai ku kali ani. Macam biasa, surfing sana surfing sini... tjumpa website ani. Sedia kan saja utak kamu untuk menjawab soalannya yang barangkali sampai 1oo++. Klau sampai jua tu uleh kamu. eheh... Inda plang mesti d abis kan. Aku sampai 55 ganya. T_T

[Click here] to go to the website.
Jalan jalan arah ke hulu
bawa bekal nasi halia
belum cuba belum tahu
cuba sekali tentu nak dua
Eseh... Pandai tia bpantun-pantun kediaku ani..

P.S. Karang skulah!!! T_T Buring...Malaysia sama Indonesia start sudah puasa. WHY? WHY?
