Friday, August 15, 2008

Eventful Week

Hai, hai, konbanwa! (Earl Millennium)

Lama sdah inda ku update blog ani... Bkarak tia kli udah....

Reminiscence of previous week :
Becoming a Fireman for (at least) one day.
Celebrating a (surprise?) birthday.
Once upon a masa, there was a fire at the back of my aunt's house which started due to an open burning. I was with my cousins as usual playing none other than the addicted game of DoTA at that time and suddenly we heard a strange siren which sounded like "Api! Api! Di belakang rumah amit. Laju lai padam kan". We rushed and took our gears (segala baldi, gayung dll) marching out of the house in a line singing "Macho macho maaan.... I wanna be... a macho man" (by Village people). It's hard to explain how the fire started to spread, so I've uploaded some pictures.

It started from here....

Then the wind blows.....

  • Orange arrow - Path of the flames.
  • Red star - a thing that needs about 1 whole bucket full of water to be extinguished.
Hos kami ani luan panjang wah iatah jauh tia sudah api nya melarat. Aing nya ani lagi luan labat and benda yang payah kn pajah atu butul clorox panya.

"Iatah tu nah, membakar tah lagi taim angin kuat" said my grandmother. Pandai nini ku ani cakap urang putih rupanya...

Moving on....
Next is about preparing a surprise birthday in which all of my relatives (on my mother's side) went earlier than us to our planned eating place to celebrate my mom's birthday. And of course only I knew about this plan, none of my family have the slightest idea about it. Forgot to mention that our eating place for this year is the RBC Airport Restaurant. Buffet YO!!!

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A few hours before the feast, I went with my uncle to buy a present. I don't understand how the nose of women works. Seriously! All the perfume smells the same to me so in the end I bought 3 different perfumes. Oh well... At least I bought something for my mom.

P.S. Eskrem nya nyamaaannnnnn......


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