Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today's breakfast is Tumpi and kuahnya kari daging(Cair lgi tu..). It's been a long time since the last time I ate @ Desa Cafe with my parents. Since it's saturday, we always buy Borneo Bulletin and my dream car is on the Highlights. To 'Father' of the GTR, thank u, thank u, thank u for making the Best Rugged-looking supercar there is(at least for now). Here's a quick peek on the car.

Lawa kn? kn? kn? Yg mndrive atu aku tu.. Prasan banar aku ani...

Sayang krita.. Baik plang di bagi nya aku tu. Yg alum kna panggal plang tu..

Yosh! Kore de Owari!

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