Thursday, May 29, 2008


Laju! Laju! Putus! Putus! Nah! Kana tia ku. Ani kn ku ngaleh dh lari2. Tunggu dlu!?... Main carah apakn kitani ani? Aaaahh~ main carah menjawab soalan. Baru tu~ Ikut eh! Hmm~ Payah jua soalan nya ani ah~ Antam lh...... Antam lah untuk kau~ Antam lah untuk aku~


Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Hmmm... Hmmmm.. Hmmmmmmm... 27? Why? Because I like the number 7. If cannot, 37.. or 47. Wait.... Isn't that too old.

2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
JAPAN!!! With a bit of money of course. The things sold there is totemo takai! Well, at least that's what I heard from my dad. It is the only place where WYSIWYG. The food there is exactly the same as in the displays.

3. What's your favorite thing to do?
Surfing~ Downloading~ Browsing~ Leeching~ *NEW!*Blogging~

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
In some aspect of happiness, I think yes but not all.

5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Of course it is my 'dream' car. Why? Because it has a 'dream' in it. Get it?

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
FULLSTOP nya urang putih.
TITIK nya urang indun.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
The internet!Wait....the internet's not mine!

8. What is your current mood?
In mood for tennis.

9. Do you believe everything happen for a reason?

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
  • Fun
  • Funny
  • Fun Bread
Wahaha~ Jangan marah aahh~

11. What are the requirements that you wish from the other half?
Jodoh di tangan Tuhan. Saya terima seadanya.

12. What type of person do you dislike the most?
Person who is like a watermelon. I really despise watermelon. Totemo dai kirai da!
Source : (edited)
*What the hell am I talking about...*

13. What is your ambition?
Cita-cita saya. Cita-cita saya adalah untuk menjadi seorang tukang kebun. *macam karangan kanak-kanak* Wahaha... nada deh..

14. If you can teleport once, where would you go?
To the toilet when I want to 'throw big water' or 'small water'.

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

16. How old are you?
Huh! Ummmm... 20? Wait!Wait! It's a tricky question, right?

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
The nervous part. Not the nervous system laa~

18. What music have you been listening to recently?
T.M.Revolution - Resonance, UVERworld - Gekidou, Pigstar - Kimi=Hana, Access - Doubt & Trust. [Click Here] if you want to hear these songs.

19. What will you be doing 10 years from now?

20. If one day you couldn't do the things that you are used to doing now anymore, how would you feel?

LuiPa! DuhBu! BiBa!


Semua urang sdah kna tag. Siapa mau jamin aku?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dinner with my kazoku i.e. family!

Today is a happy day where my father terima sudah (nya orang brunai). So usually we, as a family, went out for dinner. This time it's at KJ where there're only us in the restaurant sitting and waiting for the waitress to come. (I think ada family makan kli d ujung pisuk a2 tpi inda apa lh). It really have become a silent place although the food taste great IMO(especially it's sambal chicken. Mmmm~ nyum, nyum..). Well, here's what I ordered.


Hot Lemon. Refreshing~ Thats my lil' Sister playing with my drink.. Pak Aji~ Tutup mulut~ Nanti masuk langau~


Sweet & Sour Lamb with Rice
After 10 mins~

Rangka aku a2... Burp! Miskuusi.. Mbeeek~ Eeeeh?!?


Sambal Bela-chan~ Sekubit nyanta... Abal-abal...

Overall rating : **** (4-stars)

Sejak bila aku jadi pengkritik makanan ani!

That's all folks.

Good Bye~, Au Revoir~, Toodeloo~, Ting Tong Te~


Today's breakfast is Tumpi and kuahnya kari daging(Cair lgi tu..). It's been a long time since the last time I ate @ Desa Cafe with my parents. Since it's saturday, we always buy Borneo Bulletin and my dream car is on the Highlights. To 'Father' of the GTR, thank u, thank u, thank u for making the Best Rugged-looking supercar there is(at least for now). Here's a quick peek on the car.

Lawa kn? kn? kn? Yg mndrive atu aku tu.. Prasan banar aku ani...

Sayang krita.. Baik plang di bagi nya aku tu. Yg alum kna panggal plang tu..

Yosh! Kore de Owari!

Warcraft III - DoTA

Viper : I think I've slithered on something.....I can't smell, I bit my tongue....CCOOOBRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Zeus : My older brother Lightny is king of the dwarves....My younger brother Bran is a renowned explorer.


Zeus : HA!!! HU!! HII!!


Viper : Oiii! Buyuk main majik.

Zeus : Peduli apa ku.. Ko main poison ah~

Viper : Oh! Ko main kasar ye~ Aku pun buleh. Nah, Ambik ni~ SsssAM SsssAM ARA KASsssSAM! (Berape banyak asam daaa~)

Zeus :
Viper : WHoooopsssssss~


Images taken from

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mai Frist Psot!! [Take 2]

I seriously need to get a new spellchecker. WTHeck is wrong with this spellchecker.
*The author takes his bazooka and blow the spellchecker to smitherins. BuHaHaHaHa....... Puas hati ku!*

This blog was initially made to share info on Anime, Manga and JMusic(mainly will be the ones that I like. Others are welcome also. Although sometimes it can be a little way off. hehe...).

It was made at my house, in my room, on my laptop and during my free time of course. I'm an open-minded person, so don't worry if your choice is a little 'different'. I like something different once in a while.

Kore de owari!